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Kód: 31960595


Dodanie trvá 7 týždňov.
Kuriér zadarmo

Dátum vydania: 31.8.2012
EAN: 0884501780902 (info)
Label: Winterhall Records
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Beyond the Turning was produced over a period of 18 glorious months. I had the privilege of recording with the following studios. Thank you to all. Namaste. Corin Nelsen of SynchroSonic Productions Guilford Sound Imaginary Road Studios Kakinoki Studios Komunyaka Studio Michael Manring Studios Samite Artistic Productions The Root Cellar Winterhall Records Every single musician I have had the honor of working with on Beyond The Turning has a singularly outstanding gift. You are leaders in your field and I am deeply grateful that you shared with me your time and outstanding talents. Thank you. In order of appearance- To David Cullen for your extensive and incredible work on this album and mostly memorably for me the passion you brought to Farewell. You are a gift to music. To Samite, for your beautiful voice and your open heart and acceptance of my creative impulsivity referring to ‘Adungu Inspiration’! To Eugene for your breathtaking playing. Thank you for translating my simplistic explanations in to beautiful music. To Charlie Bisharat, the master violinist whose virtuosic playing leaves us all breathless! To Bob Colwell for your remarkable feel for French accordion! To Premik Russell-Tubbs for lyricon and sax genius playing. You are the best out there without doubt…when my improv improves we’ll try another jam session! To Steve Holley, for bringing me into the soft rock genre on May I Suggest and the smooth jazz realm on Joy of the Road. Brilliant work from the #1 drummer! To me for one or two violin tones because Charlie was on tour. To Marc Enfroy for providing a string group to go with my humble violin tones! To Max MacFarland for jumping in at the last minute when we needed some deep ‘upright’ tones… To Jeff Haynes for your amazing gift of bringing alive ‘the rhythm’ in all the songs you touch and for at least trying to teach me a basic beat! To Michael Manring. Wow! The most lyrical and musical fretless bass player I will probably ever hear. Thank you for your beautiful contribution to ‘Joy of the Road’. To Jill Haley for always playing so beautifully, in the studio or live! It is always such a pleasure to work with you. You make every song special and every concert tremendous fun! And lastly I want to thank Corin Nelsen. Thank you for your loyalty and your support, and for patiently working through the laughter, the tears and much more importantly, the music! Thank you for being the best producer ever. You are a genius at what you do and if you don’t know already you will soon find out that the world is your oyster…! The people in an artist’s personal life enable the music. It is because of the patience of these people we get to do what we do. Thank you to all my family and friends. My Loving partner and friend Alexander Volkov…You believe in me and I in you. We walk on together. My Children-You may like this one a little more and if you don’t, no worries, you can play Coldplay instead. I love you!! My Parents- My rock and my roots. Always there, always so supportive. Love you both. 1 Farewell A Valediction to things passed. When I wrote this piano composition I immediately heard a duet with electric guitar and I couldn’t compromise on this unique combination. It had to be those two instruments. I could hear the guitar lines clearly, the ‘farewell’ conversation between them, with the type of playing we regularly hear from the likes of Santana. But I never anticipated this. I never anticipated the bittersweet tones of David Cullen’s weeping lines and never comprehended the incredible passion his playing would bring to the piece. Thank you David, for understanding without words, what it needed. 2 World Without End –Saecula Saeculorum. American Gothic III. I thank Phillip Aaberg for suggesting this piece may never be completed. This is the 3rd version. From an original piano solo (on my ‘Winter Light’ album, inspired by the beautiful painting by Alexander Volkov of the inside of a barn) to the cultural ode to America on ‘Another Place and Time’, to this version. It is a retrospective, our world in the last few years, what we have endured globally and what we should summon collectively, for a better future. Lyrics Mirembe -Peace Sonegua - Forgiveness Tembuelalai – Bring Love 3 My Peace Piece This is a dedication to jazz pianist Bill Evans (a huge inspiration for me) and also a thank you to a dear friend, Maricet, whose support at times has been pivotal to my spiritual journey. 4 Rive Droite (The right bank of the river Seine) Simply a fun piece that adopted a French flavor…I hear Edith Piaf singing, don’t you? 5 The Long Way Home - Passage 1 The opening section of my first recorded improvisation, ever. I began nervously but reached a quiet moment and wanted to stay in that space, hardly changing harmony…It was the beginning of a new direction for me. 6 Eight Steps Free This piece is all about courage. Having the courage to do what you know you have to do. This concept has been written about a million times before, in words and music, by many others. This is my version. 7 Tea and Sympathy – written by Janis Ian Ever since I was 18 years old and heard Janis Ian’s original version played at a college gathering, I have wanted to write an arrangement of Tea and Sympathy. Everything in my version is how I have always wanted it to be. I am so lucky to have held onto it all these years! Thank you for writing this song, Janis. 8 The Long Way Home - Passage 2 A middle portion from my first improvisation. Finding my way… 9 Moondancing I wrote this piece just wanting to play around with rhythm. It has always been a foreign land for me. It is the first piece of mine to have a touch of percussion, the first piece “to come out of the box” as they say…I’m not there yet, but I’m holding the key to a new vibe in my music and I’m looking forward to seeing where it leads… 10 May I Suggest - written by Susan Werner I heard this song for the first time last year, a cappella. I left the performance deeply moved and immediately penned this arrangement. Thank you Susan Werner for your brilliance in song writing and bringing this beautiful gift to the world. It was sent to me at a time when I really needed it. 11 Adungu Inspiration Samite plucked a few notes on a Ugandan instrument (the Adungu) he had returned with from a trip to his native country. They painted such a vivid picture of harmonious living for me, the world at peace, lightness of being, what I wish for in everyone’s daily lives. We were almost at the end of the album production but I was so inspired, I wrote this piece and used those same notes at the beginning. It is a beautiful sounding instrument. Thank you Samite for this gracious gift. 12 Joy of the Road 'It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door…You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to.' (Gandalf to Frodo in the Fellowship of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien). 13 Beyond the Turning I wrote this piece 3 years ago and unknowingly revisited it as a possible piece to include on the album. So much happened on the last 5 years of my journey and I often wondered what laid ‘Beyond the Turning’. It naturally became the most important concept on the album, the reason for producing this collection of music and the title track. During this chapter I have come to realize there are so many turns we take in the roads we travel, so many decisions made, right or wrong, painful or joyous. It’s all part of the whole, we should let it flow through us. The turning is here, it’s right in our hearts and it happens every day of our lives. Savor it, hold close the dearest things and release the pain. 14 The Long Way Home Passage-3 The third and last portion of my improvisation…we’re home.

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