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Kód: 38954111


Odošleme do 10 dní.
Kuriér zadarmo

Dátum vydania: 18.2.2022
Žáner: ROCK
EAN: 4040824085483 (info)
Label: WAH WAH
Obsahuje nosičov: 2

V ponuke: 3 dodávatelia, od 46.98 €

2016 release. Urban Sax was founded in 1973 by French experimental musician Gilbert Artman, a.o. the mastermind behind Lard Free. Driven by his interest in the relation between space and sound, he experimented with large groups of saxofonists, varying from 16 to 34 players, at times also including bass players, percussionists, vocalists and even dancers. An early experiment took place in the French village of Menton, where Artman placed the musicians on rooftops, in various streets, on squares, and in gardens. Though the total experiences of these experiments/events can't be captured on whatever sound carrier, several recordings were made through the years. Originally issued on CD only (by EPM Musique), Urban Sax' 1991 album 'Spiral' now sees its first ever vinyl release.

Jozef Urban - Aktuality:

31.7. - Žbirka má plány s textami zosnulého Urbana († 34): Tajomné slová spevákovej manželky

21.4. - Film Voda čo ma drží nad vodou mešká. Kvôli licencii

26.2. - Netradičná hodina hudobnej výchovy: Vyučovali skutočné hviezdy!

28.11. - Hudobný kalendár na sobotu 29. novembra

8.1. - O tých, ktorí odišli skôr

28.11. - Jožo Urban: Vráť trochu lásky medzi nás

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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