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Kód: 7262076


Dodanie trvá 8 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 1.11.2008
Žáner: Jazz
EAN: 9120016850237 (info)
Label: cracked anegg record
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Doug Johnson - piano Edward Perez - bass Harry Tanschek - drums Arranging of jazz standards in a modern way by putting them into new harmonically sounds and lard them with spicy odd-meter and unusual rhythmic figures. That would explain the strength and the uniqueness of the Doug Johnson Trio. This personal note got the US- American pianist Doug Johnson a professorship at the world renowned Berklee College of Music (USA), where they honored his individual way of composing/playing with an „Oddmeter Masterclass“! Those new arranged standards have something „cheeky“, though based on pronounced sensibility for dynamic and sensitive, distinguish features. So something new creates, that gets conveyed by the enormous interplay of the sidemen Ed Perez and Harry Tanschek. The New York based bass player Edward Perez and the Austrian drummer Harry Tanschek contribute there personal versatile musical tools for forms and arrangements into the trio's music. The vivid and sensitive interplay of this three musicians and the „boundless“ range in all oddmeters describes the character of the trio the best! The Doug Johnson Trio convinces with standards, that gets transformed into joyful plasticine. An exciting and extraordinary musical treat! Enjoy!! More infos to the musicians: Pianist Doug Johnson is both a classical and a jazz musician. Originally from Michigan, he is now based in Boston (MA). He studied with Dave Holland, Thomas McKinnley and George Russell. Doug Johnson is one of the most demanded pianist throughout the eastcoast! His working credits include Gunter Schuller, Mili Bermejo, Jerry Bergoniz, Luciana Souza, Verve recording artist Chiara Civello to name a few. Doug Johnson is also on the faculty of the world wide renowned school Berklee College of Music in Boston. Edward Perez began his music career at age thirteen in the bass section of the only professional orchstra in his homeland of South Texas. He concurrently earned a degree from Havard University and continued his music education in the local jazz clubs. Ed Perez has appeared in virually every jazz venue in Boston. He has collaborated with a variety of jazz luminaries such as Mick Goodrick, Bill Pierce, Greg Hopkins, Quincy Davis and many others. Perez recently moved to Lima, Peru, where he continues his musicianship with an intense study of various afro-latin musical styles. Harry Tanschek, born in Graz, began playing drums at the age of fifteen. Tanschek graduated from the Jazzacademy in Graz and moved to Boston, U.S. to study at Berklee College of Music. There he went on to establish his Amrican base for current and future projects. Currently based in Vienna, Austria, Tanschek is working with projects in the United States and all over Europe with such artists as Hal Crook, Chico Freeman, Rick Beckham, Bob Brookmeyer, George Garcone, John Damian and numerous other on-going music related ventures.

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